Thursday, April 18, 2013

ABBA all the way!


“You can open up to me son/daughter. I love you. There will never come a time when it becomes too difficult to trust me and allow me to bring correction and life into your being, because of what I have already accomplished and finished on the cross. You see, my cross is my love letter that never ends. Every time you consider it, every time you identify with my suffering and pain, you enter through the veil that is my flesh, my very body broken for you, and are brought a place where redemption occurs through the healing mercy of my heart. 

Also I never change. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I never give up on our relationship, no matter how far you stray from the truth of my word. I know you want to change, and I know you want to do better for yourself, but allow me to show you where you haven’t allowed me to bring my scarlet redemption into those areas deep down within yourself. 

Despite what you think about fallen man, and yourself, let me show you my love for you. Let me show you my body broken for you. Let me show you my back, my scars, my wounds inflicted in love. Let me show you my side, my wrists, my head that carried the crown of thorns. Bring your diseases of the mind to me. Bring your neurosis's, and your denials, and your doubts, and your hostilities, and watch them dissolve into the vacuum of eternal truth. Bring your sexual brokenness, your unmet love needs, your unresolved childhood memories to my cross. Bring your lost love, your abandonments, your rejections, your betrayals, your fears, and concerns for your future and your wellbeing to me. I will receive them all into my own body, and in turn give you my shalom. 

I will show you grace, and not hold your offenses against you, because I am God, and you are but dust, and soon return to the place of dust in such a short time. However if you resist my invitation to life, I will not acquit you, I will remember your grievances, and bring my guilt upon you, that you might understand my laws, and keep my covenant. I will never leave you nor forsake you, but I will chasten you and correct you, and discipline you that you might partake of my righteousness. I will not remove my tender mercies from you, as long as you remain faithful to my charge, and diligently keep my precepts and judgements. 

I will never shame you, or crush your spirit, or condemn you if you sin against me. If any man sin, He has an advocate waiting at my right hand. In your sin, I might show my displeasure to you, and reprove you for the error of your ways, but I will not break the bruised reed, or quench the smoking flax.

I am God, I will not be mocked, I am infinitely more patient, and understanding than you can fathom. I know that you are utterly sinful, and in your sin, your fleshly nature is utterly reprehensible. Why else would I go to the cross to get rid of such a nature that is contrary to the good of my original design? Whoever believes and is baptized into me has life, but whoever does not believe in my atoning sacrifice is condemned.

I have spoken these things to you in times past, and I have revealed my true nature faithfully through the Holy Spirit. Why do you doubt? Why do you push me away, when I all desire to do is love you back to life? I cannot force you to come to me, I stand at the door and knock, and if any man open up to me, I will open to him, and share my heart and counsel. I do this because I am love, unchanging, unceasing, unwavering, unending, unrelenting. Can you get real with me? If you can’t I will give you grace to try. If your unwilling to come, then I will give you grace to be made willing to come to me that you may have life. Is that too much to ask?"

- The Loving Father who wants to talk. 

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